24 / 04 / 2018

Providing students with tools to succeed in the labor market, increasing school success as students, is the primary goal of the STEM Academy, a project of the municipality of Mangualde, aimed at grouping schools in the municipality.
The recently created STEM Academy - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics - intends to sow in young people the ability to identify the four areas that its name evokes - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics -, connecting them. This exercise provides students with interdisciplinary knowledge, based essentially on the practical application of learning.
As the promoter of this academy, Patinter was present at the signing ceremony of the protocol, on April 23, at the Salão Nobre of the Mangualde municipality, having been represented by the president of the board of directors, Francisco Polónio. According to Patinter's management, "it is a duty as a company to contribute to the formation of a generation of new professionals, training them for the real needs of the market. This preparation will provide them with tools that will help them boost research and scientific and technological development, both at regional and national levels, a goal that we face with a spirit of mission, even before the community itself".
The partnership now signed allows Patinter to put its knowledge and skills, as well as technical and financial human resources, at the service of society.
The project is funded under Portugal 2020, as part of the Promotion of Educational Success Viseu Dão Lafões and, in addition to Patinter, other entities are involved such as Mangualde City Council, the Directorate General of Education, SalivaTec - Infrastructure of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Health - Viseu of the Portuguese Catholic University. To the already mentioned, two other companies of the region are added, CBI - Indústria de vestuário S.A. and Mangual Técnica - Indústria Metalomecânica Lda.